Call for Papers
CCGrid 2008 is the eigth in a series of successful international symposia and
for the first time will take place in France,
in Lyon. Grid Computing started as a
generalization of Cluster Computing, promising to deliver large scale levels of
parallelism to high-performance applications by crossing administrative
boundaries. Moreover, the use of computational and data resources in
high-performance applications, undertaken over Grid infrastructure, have
started to now become a reality. Today we face the huge challenge of making
on-demand access to any computational service.
CCGrid 2008 provides researchers and practitioners with an excellent
opportunity to share their research and experience at the cross-roads of
Cluster and Grid Technology. The areas of interest include, but are not limited
to, the following:
- Grid
Architectures and Systems
- Clusters
- Grid
Economies and Service Architectures
- Service
Composition and Orchestration
- Middleware
for Clusters and Grids
- Scheduling
and Load Balancing
- Parallel
and Wide-Area File Systems
- Peer-to-Peer
- Utility
Computing Models for Clusters and Grids
- Community
and collaborative computing networks
- Support
for Self-Managing/Self-Configuring Grid Infrastructure
- Grid Operating Systems
- Programming
Models, Tools, and Environments
- Grid-based
Problem Solving Environments
- Performance
Evaluation and Modeling
- Scientific,
Engineering, and Commercial Applications
Authors are invited to submit
original papers of 8 pages maximum. Papers should be double column text and
follow the IEEE manuscript guidelines provided on the submission page (on-line
submission). Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors
to register and present the paper.
Important Dates
- Paper
Submission: Extended to Midnight (Pacific Time), November 19, 2007 (was November 12th, 2007)
- Tutorial
proposal : January 15th, 2008
- Notification
of Acceptance: January 14, 2008 (postponed due to extended submission deadline)
- Camera Ready
Paper Due: January 30th, 2007