CCGrid 2008 Workshops
Workshops form an important part of the Cluster and Grid Computing Symposium. These workshops are aimed at allowing the Cluster Computing and Grid community to elicit contributions in new and emerging areas related to the conference theme. You can contact workshops chairs for general workshops questions : Franck Cappello (INRIA, France), Omer Rana (Welsh eScience Center and Cardiff University, UK) and Zhiyi Huang (University of Otago, New Zealand). Please consult workshops web sites and contact the workshops organizers for additional information. The workshops will be held during CCGrid 2008 (19-22 May 2008) in Lyon, France.
Workshop organizers:
Workshop organizer:
Workshop organizers:
- Alfredo Goldman (Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil):
- Arnaud Legrand , CNRS, LIG, Grenoble, France,
- Martin Quinson , INRIA/LORIA, Vandoeuvre les Nancy, France,
- Olivier Richard , LIG, Grenoble, France,
Workshop organizers:
- Dr. Zhiming Zhao,
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
- Dr. Adam Belloum, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
Workshop organizers:
Workshop organizers:
- Mariusz Nowostawski, Information Science Department, University of Otago and World45,
- Ariel Hendel, SUN Microsystems, USA,
- Prof. WeiMin Zheng, Institute of High Performance Computing, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University,
Workshop organizers:
Workshop organizers:
Workshop organizer: