List of CCGrid2008 accepted papers
- Rajiv Ranjan, Mustafizur Rahman and Rajkumar Buyya. A Decentralized and Cooperative Workflow Scheduling Algorithm
- Thomas Fieseler and Wolfgang Gürich. Operation of the Core D-Grid Infrastructure
- Tamas Kiss, Peter Kacsuk, Gabor Terstyanszky and Stephen Winter. Workflow Level Interoperation of Grid Data Resources
- Enric Tejedor and Rosa M. Badia. COMP Superscalar: Bringing GRID Superscalar and GCM together
- Mathias Dalheimer, Franz-Josef Pfreundt and Peter Merz. Formal Verification of a Grid Resource Allocation
- Kurt Vanmechelen, Wim Depoorter and Jan Broeckhove. Economic Grid Resource Management for CPU Bound Applications with Hard Deadlines
- Hajime Fujita, Hiroya Matsuba and Yutaka Ishikawa. TCP Connection Scheduler in Single IP Address Cluster
- Sharon Shitrit, Eyal Felstaine, Niv Gilboa and Ofer Hermoni. Anonymity Scheme for Interactive P2P Services
- Yang-Suk Kee and Carl Kesselman. Grid Resource Abstraction, Virtualization, and Provisioning for Time-targeted Applications
- Ryousei Takano, Motohiko Matsuda, Tomohiro Kudoh, Yuetsu Kodama, Fumihiro Okazaki, Yutaka Ishikawa and Yasufumi Yoshizawa. High Performance Relay Mechanism for MPI Communication Libraries Run on Multiple Private IP Address Clusters
- Anthony Sulistio, Kyong Hoon Kim and Rajkumar Buyya. Managing Cancellations and No-shows of Reservations with Overbooking to Increase Resource Revenue
- Yi Wan, Takuya Asaka and Tatsuro Takahashi. A Hybrid P2P Overlay Network for Non-Strictly Hierarchically Categorized Contents
- Manuel Rubio, Miguel Ángel Vega, Juan Manuel Sánchez, Antonio Gómez-Iglesias and Miguel Cárdenas-Montes. A FPGA Optimization Tool based on a Multi-Island Genetic Algorithm distributed over Grid Environments
- Takeshi Nishikawa and Satoshi Matsuoka. Time Stamping Authority Grid
- Yulai Yuan, Yongwei Wu and Guangwen Yang. Adaptive Hybrid Model for Long Term Load Prediction in Computational Grid
- Cecile Germain, Julien Perez, Balazs Kégl and Charles Loomis. Grid Differentiated Services: a Reinforcement Learning Approach
- Markus Held and Wolfgang Blochinger. Collaborative BPEL Design with a Rich Internet Application
- Kei Takahashi, Hideo Saito, Takeshi Shibata and Kenjiro Taura. A Stable Broadcast Algorithm
- Marek Wieczorek, Stefan Podlipnig, Radu Prodan and Thomas Fahringer. Bi-criteria Scheduling of Scientific Workflows for the Grid
- Adam Barker, Jon Weissman and Jano van Hemert. Orchestrating Data-centric Workflows
- Nabil Abdennadher, Peter Engel, Derek Feichtinger, Dean Flanders, Placi Flury, Pascal Jermini, Sergio Maffioletti, Cesare Pautasso, Heinz Stockinger, Wibke Sudholt, Michela Thiemard, Nadya Williams and Christoph Witzig. Initializing a National Grid Infrastructure – Lessons Learned from the Swiss National Grid Association Seed Project
- Amith R Mamidala, Rahul Kumar, Debraj De and Dhabaleswar K Panda. MPI Collectives on modern Multicore clusters: Performance Optimizations and Communication Characteristics
- Tianyi Zang, Radu Calinescu , Steve Harris, Andrew Tsui, Marta Kwiatkowska, Jeremy Gibbons, Jim Davies, Peter Maccallum and Carlos Caldas. WSRF-Based Modeling of Clinical Trial Information for Collaborative Cancer Research
- Karthikeyan Vaidyanathan, Ping Lai, Sundeep Narravula and Dhabaleswar Panda. Optimized Distributed Data Sharing Substrate in Multi-Core Commodity Clusters: A Comprehensive Study with Applications
- Tristan Glatard, Johan Montagnat and Xavier Pennec. A probabilistic model to analyse workflow performance on production grids
- Juergen Hofer and Thomas Fahringer. Synthesizing Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Grid Application Wrapper Services
- Ran Yang, Rob van der Mei, Dennis Roubos, Frank Seinstra, Ger Koole and Henri Bal. Modeling ``Just-in-Time'' Communication in Distributed Real-Time Multimedia Applications
- fatiha bouabache, thomas herault, gilles fedak and Franck Cappello. Hierarchical Replication Techniques to Ensure Checkpoint Storage Reliability in Grid Environments
- Ran Yang, Rob van der Mei, Dennis Roubos, Frank Seinstra and Ger Koole. On the Optimization of Resource Utilization in Distributed Multimedia Applications
- Francisco Javier García Blas, Florin Isaila, David E. Singh and Jesús Carretero. View-based collective I/O for MPI-IO
- Wolfram Wiesemann, Ronald Hochreiter and Daniel Kuhn. A Stochastic Programming Approach for QoS-Aware Service Composition
- Ali Elghirani, Riky Subrata and Albert Zomaya. A Proactive Non-Cooperative Game-theoretic Framework for Data Replication in Data Grids
- Chun-Chen Hsu, Pangfeng Liu and Chien-Min Wang. Heuristic Algorithms for Replication Transition Problem in the Grid Systems
- Filip Blagojevic, Matthew Curtis-Maury, Jae-Seung Yeom, Scott Schneider and Dimitrios Nikolopoulos. Scheduling Asymmetric Parallelism on a PlayStation3 Cluster
- Yoshikazu Kamoshida and Kenjiro Taura. Scalable Data Gathering for Real-time Monitoring Systems on Distributed Computing
- Thanasis Papaioannou and George D. Stamoulis. Reputation-based Estimation of Individual Performance in Grids
- Simon Caton, Matthan Caan, Silvia Olabarriaga and Omer Rana. Using Dynamic Condor-based Services for Classifying Schizophrenia in Diffusion Tensor Images
- Nuno Cruces, Rodrigo Rodrigues and Paulo Ferreira. Pastel: Bridging the Gap Between Structured and Large-State Overlays
- Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos, Nikolaos Doulamis and Emmanouel Varvarigos. Joint Communication and Computation Task Scheduling in Grids
- Richard Sinnott, David Chadwick, Thomas Doherty, David Martin, Gordon Stewart, John Watt, Anthony Stell and Linying Su. Advanced Security for Virtual Organizations: The Pros and Cons of Centralized vs Decentralized Security Models
- Farrukh Nadeem, Radu Prodan and Thomas Fahringer. Characterizing, Modeling and Predicting Dynamic Resource Availability in the Grid
- Tim Dörnemann, Matthew Smith and Bernd Freisleben. Composition and Execution of Secure Workflows in WSRF-Grids
- Michael Heidt, Tim Dörnemann, Kay Dörnemann and Bernd Freisleben. Omnivore: Integration of Grid Meta-Scheduling and Peer-to-Peer Technologies
- Michal Vossberg, Andreas Hoheisel, Thomas Tolxdorff and Dagmar Krefting. A Reliable DICOM Transfer Grid Service Based on Petri Net Workflows
- Areski Flissi, Jeremy Dubus, Nicolas Dolet and Philippe Merle. Deploying on the Grid with DeployWare
- Stefan Piger, Christian Grimm, Ralf Groeper and Christopher Kunz. A Comprehensive Approach to Self-Restricted Delegation of Rights in Grids
- Seyed Masoud Sadjadi. Enabling Interoperability among Meta-Schedulers
- Kees Verstoep, Jason Maassen, Henri Bal and John Romein. Experiences with Fine-grained Distributed Supercomputing on a 10G Testbed
- Ping Lai, Sundeep Narravula, Karthikeyan Vaidyanathan and Dhabaleswar Panda. Advanced RDMA-based Admission Control for Modern Data-Centers
- Camille Coti, thomas Herault, Sylvain Peyronnet, Ala Rezmerita and Franck Cappello. Grid Services for MPI
- Sergio Serra, Marta Mattoso, Patricia Barros, Paulo M. Bisch and Maria Luiza Machado Campos. Provenance services for distributed workflows
- Christian Grimme, Joachim Lepping and Alexander Papaspyrou. Benefits of Job Exchange between Autonomous Sites in Decentralized Computational Grids
- Leonid Glimcher and Gagan Agrawal. A Middleware for Developing and Deploying Scalable Remote Mining
- Daniel L. Wang, Charles S. Zender and Stephen Jenks. Clustered Workflow Execution of Retargeted Data Analysis Scripts
- Xiaolin Li and Manish Parashar. GridMate: A Portable Simulation Environment for Large-Scale Adaptive Scientific Applications
- Huan Liu. GridBatch: An infrastructure for solving large-scale data-intensive batch problems
- Thomas Sandholm, Kevin Lai and Scott Clearwater. Admission Control in a Computational Market
- Christoph Reich, kris bubendorfer and Rajkumar Buyya. An Autonomic Peer-to-Peer Architecture for Hosting Stateful Web Services
- Aurelien Bouteiller and Frederic Desprez. Fault Tolerance Management for a Hierarchical GridRPC Middleware
- Luis Carlos Erpen De Bona, Elias P. Duarte Jr. and Keiko Veronica Ono Fonseca. HyperBone: A Scalable Overlay Network Based on a Virtual Hypercube
- Weikuan Yu and Jeffrey S Vetter. Xen-Based HPC: A Parallel IO Perspective
- David Stirling, Ian Welsh and Peter Komisarczuk. Designing Workflows for Grid Enabled Internet Instruments
- li dong. A Framework for Ontology-based Data Integration
- Ganeshamoorthy Kandasamy and Nalin Ranasinghe. On the Performance of Parallel Neural Network Implementations on Distributed Memory Architectures
- Lin Lin, Xuemin Li, Hong Jiang and Yifeng Zhu. AMP: An Affinity-based Metadata Prefetching Scheme in Large-Scale Distributed Storage Systems